How my Views and Beliefs Effect my Teaching Practice.

Te Korou sent us all an email with lots of terms and explanations in Te Reo.  I found this extremely helpful. Others may have stuff like this already but I’m still pretty green and appreciated it. 

A goal of mine is to use Te Reo words and phrases more in casual settings. I have made this my goal because I think it will help break down some of the barriers for me that I have about speaking.  I really struggle speaking in front of people in English, even in a staff meeting with my peers. I hate it. So in another language, it is even harder.

I just did a blog post about this topic for my registration and I realised why as I was writing it - a deeper reason for my lack of using Te Reo more so than what I had thought on the surface - public speaking. I always have known one reason I struggle and that’s because I don’t like speaking in front of people. 

It was an epiphany moment for me however realising that this was not the only reason and actually was not the biggest reason. The real reason is engrained in me so deep I had not even seen signs it existed and it took a conversation with my partner about this topic and what he said that it suddenly revealed itself to me.

He calls it my life trap of unrelenting standards. I don’t know if you have heard of life traps but everyone has them. It’s when you are unaware of them that they can be dangerous. Tricking you into thinking the views and thoughts that come with that life trap. My life trap relates to exactly what it says - unrelenting standards. I put expectations on myself and expect to be the best at something or have to have things perfect. But at a standard that is probably most of the time unattainable. Hence the unrelenting bit. This may seem like almost a good thing but in situations like this, it is not, as it means I will just avoid it as I 'm not good at it. 

If you are interested in this topic here is a link that tells you more.

Maybe now I have tapped into the real reasons why - I can now acknowledge that those feelings are there but not let them control me.

I read this from one of the sites that the author said. I found it interesting and thought I would share it...

“Sadly, the society we currently live in and the institutions that surround us - including our children’s education system - don’t recognise the importance of these skills and don’t equip us with them to anywhere near the level we need. In fact, we live at a time where the external conditions in society actually militate against us developing them.”
